Always in this middle of the night, i will tend to thk something out of nowhere then bring myself down. Hate it!!
Being too sensitive and care too much brings things go the other way round. Its doesnt go to the way i though of, it will just make situation become even worst. Mayb i should really have a break. Think through everything. But sometimes what i thk is like go to the wrong path and there are even more unsolved issues on my head.
how to be secure? i have no idea. its all about feelings. Feelings make me insecure because of others feelings. No confidence.
Mayb its time for me to learn how to let go and dun let things affect me so easilyy
ps: Can everything just go back to how it was last time? i miss those timee.
Time makes u realise alot and see alot of things that you wouldnt want to face it
Friday, January 16, 2015
Saturday, January 10, 2015
生活 经济 爱情 亲情 友情 学业 等等
你落后了 就要自己把握时间追上去
有时候 岁月真的不等人
错过了 幸运的 可以再追回
不幸运的 后悔莫及
人生中虽有点失误 但 没关系
你会担心 可是却深深了解
终得出来 重新面对这个世界
就算你有多不想 你也得
也有些时候 你懂得你做错了
错过了 只能对你说声对不起
就算你怎样弥补 也可能弥补不了
有时候会回头看看 发现事物变得不一样了
觉得可惜 但又如何 一切只能回首回味
想回到从前那样 但感觉不一样了
因为长大了 面对事物的观点改变了
累了 一切都无所谓了
理会太多 也得不到自己所想的一点
所以放弃了 周围的人问起了为什么
说了 又怎样
算了 累了 无所谓了
生活 经济 爱情 亲情 友情 学业 等等
你落后了 就要自己把握时间追上去
有时候 岁月真的不等人
错过了 幸运的 可以再追回
不幸运的 后悔莫及
人生中虽有点失误 但 没关系
你会担心 可是却深深了解
终得出来 重新面对这个世界
就算你有多不想 你也得
也有些时候 你懂得你做错了
错过了 只能对你说声对不起
就算你怎样弥补 也可能弥补不了
有时候会回头看看 发现事物变得不一样了
觉得可惜 但又如何 一切只能回首回味
想回到从前那样 但感觉不一样了
因为长大了 面对事物的观点改变了
累了 一切都无所谓了
理会太多 也得不到自己所想的一点
所以放弃了 周围的人问起了为什么
说了 又怎样
算了 累了 无所谓了
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hai, i am back..wondering is anyone out there is reading my blog? i am a person who dun like to express my feeling to the public. but today duno y..sudd feel like writing something to expresed myself. i guess i am reali stress now. recently, a best friend of mine passed away. i reali stil cant accept the fact that she has passed away. its only like 4 days he was admitted to hospital, and suddenly her situation changed drastically and she left her forever. its like so fake for me.. she was only 22 years old, same age as me. why she will left this early. i reali dun understand. life is reali reali short. we duno what is going next.
when i was attending her funeral, i really stil cant accept that she has passed away. until today, i sti feel like she is playing hide and seek with us. reali cant imagine my next holiday back to sabah will be how without her. i miss her. reali miss her. i dun wanna look at our pictures or videos we took together. it wil make me miss her more, and make me feeel like she is just so close to me. cant believe that she is not here anymore. i can never hang out with her, chit chat with her, take picture together, travel together anymore. life is reali short. apprecciate what we have now. treat people nicely especially those who u appreciated the most. family, boyfriend, friends.
i was wondering how would it be if i died? wat will happen?how i died? when i died? how ppl arpund me will react?
sometimes i reali confused living in this world. it is normal that people who u appreciate may not appreciate u as much as u do. it is worth it? for me, i thk yeah. its worth it. but somehow sometimes it get hurtful when u care for the person, but the person doesnt reali care u back. or maybb i juz thk too much. i should stop thinking too much. but hw?? i duno hw?
i wonder how many true friend i have out there. the one i though is my true friends now, are they reali my true friends? i reali wan to know. i have a weakness, care too much. once i care about someone, and feel that she or he is very important to me, i wil be like over caring which is not good. this wil scare ppl off. i cant control. i juz feel like treating them the best i could do. because i treat them as my best friend. will they thk the same too? i have no idea at all. y isit so hard to know about ppl thinking hmm. how nice if ican read mind. or mayb is not a good thing, u wil thk more. but i wil stil have my principle. even though ppl who i thk is important to me doesnt thk the same way as me, i wil stil tret them the best i can do. because life is short, do something u thk is worth to do before its too late. dun make ursellf regret.
when i was attending her funeral, i really stil cant accept that she has passed away. until today, i sti feel like she is playing hide and seek with us. reali cant imagine my next holiday back to sabah will be how without her. i miss her. reali miss her. i dun wanna look at our pictures or videos we took together. it wil make me miss her more, and make me feeel like she is just so close to me. cant believe that she is not here anymore. i can never hang out with her, chit chat with her, take picture together, travel together anymore. life is reali short. apprecciate what we have now. treat people nicely especially those who u appreciated the most. family, boyfriend, friends.
i was wondering how would it be if i died? wat will happen?how i died? when i died? how ppl arpund me will react?
sometimes i reali confused living in this world. it is normal that people who u appreciate may not appreciate u as much as u do. it is worth it? for me, i thk yeah. its worth it. but somehow sometimes it get hurtful when u care for the person, but the person doesnt reali care u back. or maybb i juz thk too much. i should stop thinking too much. but hw?? i duno hw?
i wonder how many true friend i have out there. the one i though is my true friends now, are they reali my true friends? i reali wan to know. i have a weakness, care too much. once i care about someone, and feel that she or he is very important to me, i wil be like over caring which is not good. this wil scare ppl off. i cant control. i juz feel like treating them the best i could do. because i treat them as my best friend. will they thk the same too? i have no idea at all. y isit so hard to know about ppl thinking hmm. how nice if ican read mind. or mayb is not a good thing, u wil thk more. but i wil stil have my principle. even though ppl who i thk is important to me doesnt thk the same way as me, i wil stil tret them the best i can do. because life is short, do something u thk is worth to do before its too late. dun make ursellf regret.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
well i am back has been ages ago since i post for a new blog this middle of nite..its 3.15am ..i cant fall asleep...then i take out everything and start tidying up my old stuff..there are so many memories ther..form 1- form 6 ..ahaha...i had so much fun during that time...and now i am a second year law student in mmu ffuuuuu...time flies~~~~~~ i stil remember everything during secondary stupid love story? ugly and fat i am ..although now still..xD..BT AT LEAST..I AM growing old..sad...i stalk back all my facebook pic...i have change..reali change...change a lot..ahaha..there are so many frens where i knew through these years..some gone, some stay..some duno where...some change... time flies...
i read back all those cards frens made for me..i feel so happy...a little thingy are more than enough to make me happy.. cards, handmade present..and now i am wif kevin chong..ahah..the other half of me...its reali unbelievable...i feel like all of these juz like a drama..i gt my family, i gt my friends, i gt my boyfie, i am studying and graduating soon..then work..then have my own family..wif unbelieavable.. its like a dream..i stil remeber while i am stil a worries.. primary wif frens enjoy.. secondary skul started to have some friendship prob..starting to fall in love wif someone..ahaha..and exam..and now uni life..ahaha..i saw manhy types of ppl..mayb??its still more out ther when i am working soon..hahah...sctually quite waiting for that although will be stressful for my life.... wish for future?ahah.. hope to get married at 30..have all the babies at 35.. work till 55 then my children will be 20++ then 65 perhaps?? they all are able to take care of themselves..and i hope that me and my future husband will be together and go to diff country to help those who need help put there... ahahahah..duno will this realise not? i hope so..=)
so i told this to one of my fren..abel...then he say i seems like having everything..ahaha..he asked me..what is happiness..i told him tat happiness is comfortable perhaps? comfortable wif ur life..wif ur family, lover, family... and he asked me is this permanent?and willthis last forever?i told!! things change... no regret as long as i enjoyed the moment i have for now...ahaha...nth is permanent..then he asked me reali? so life is no point..then i tell him...u spend and do wat u wan in ur life..if life i pointlesss..everyone will be just sit down and do nt..wait time flies..there must be something which make them work for it..ahah..aim of life..and he told me..BRB..ahahaha..
no idea...juz hope i wil have a good life..i wil be a good lawyer and help everyone out ther..i wont like those stupid bad lawyer who disobey their own yuan ze juz for money..i hope i wont!!i wont!!!ahaha...i hope to be good to everyone...treat evryone wif kindness although they might not treat me the same at least..i do wat i thk it is correct..ahah right?
i read back all those cards frens made for me..i feel so happy...a little thingy are more than enough to make me happy.. cards, handmade present..and now i am wif kevin chong..ahah..the other half of me...its reali unbelievable...i feel like all of these juz like a drama..i gt my family, i gt my friends, i gt my boyfie, i am studying and graduating soon..then work..then have my own family..wif unbelieavable.. its like a dream..i stil remeber while i am stil a worries.. primary wif frens enjoy.. secondary skul started to have some friendship prob..starting to fall in love wif someone..ahaha..and exam..and now uni life..ahaha..i saw manhy types of ppl..mayb??its still more out ther when i am working soon..hahah...sctually quite waiting for that although will be stressful for my life.... wish for future?ahah.. hope to get married at 30..have all the babies at 35.. work till 55 then my children will be 20++ then 65 perhaps?? they all are able to take care of themselves..and i hope that me and my future husband will be together and go to diff country to help those who need help put there... ahahahah..duno will this realise not? i hope so..=)
so i told this to one of my fren..abel...then he say i seems like having everything..ahaha..he asked me..what is happiness..i told him tat happiness is comfortable perhaps? comfortable wif ur life..wif ur family, lover, family... and he asked me is this permanent?and willthis last forever?i told!! things change... no regret as long as i enjoyed the moment i have for now...ahaha...nth is permanent..then he asked me reali? so life is no point..then i tell him...u spend and do wat u wan in ur life..if life i pointlesss..everyone will be just sit down and do nt..wait time flies..there must be something which make them work for it..ahah..aim of life..and he told me..BRB..ahahaha..
no idea...juz hope i wil have a good life..i wil be a good lawyer and help everyone out ther..i wont like those stupid bad lawyer who disobey their own yuan ze juz for money..i hope i wont!!i wont!!!ahaha...i hope to be good to everyone...treat evryone wif kindness although they might not treat me the same at least..i do wat i thk it is correct..ahah right?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thx mum!!!
我在看一部连续剧。。突然我想到我妈妈。。。我觉得妈妈真的好伟大哦!!!生我出来。。把我养大。。。教我人生道理。。不知道该怎么说。。。就突然好想说一声妈妈我好爱你哦!!!我希望我永远都可以和妈妈在一起。。。heheh...谢谢你!!!= ) ..
Thursday, December 15, 2011
WOW!!its been a long long time for me din update my blog is the first day i finis my STPM!!!YAY!!!its finis...although i thk tat tis time exam was so hard...aiks..i hav no confident for its over...suan le..T.T
how wil be my life after STPM??? shud be FUN!!!until feb of 2012...becuz i wil start to work gud first experience to work outside..hehehe....
oh ya!!!say bout today!!!STPM FINIS!!enjoy!!!heeheh...i go out wif fiona,siaw,ivy,shue yin,goh,chau,chee ken today .we went to gaya street for bak kut teh..yummy..and i like the feel tat we all sit together and eat ...heheh...for the same dishes...xp...
thn we wan to walk in gaya too bad..its raining and we cant see wat christmas event having out then we went to suria for my first nite time movie wif frens!!!heheh...and we watched Alvin and the chipsmunks!!!!haha...its veli funny.and i like the basketball part...xpxp....
tis is so fun for my first day after STPM is over..heheh....i hope i can have more fun after tis...heheh
and i wil sell all my books to lower six to earn back some money!!!hehe...yay
!!no ned to see them ned to touch i thk i wil miss them de...thx for tis one and half u guys!!!bt u guys make me feel suffer=( u guys too!!!hehehehe....!!!

miss u guys always!!!bt nt gonna read u guys le..xp...bye bye='(
how wil be my life after STPM??? shud be FUN!!!until feb of 2012...becuz i wil start to work gud first experience to work outside..hehehe....
oh ya!!!say bout today!!!STPM FINIS!!enjoy!!!heeheh...i go out wif fiona,siaw,ivy,shue yin,goh,chau,chee ken today .we went to gaya street for bak kut teh..yummy..and i like the feel tat we all sit together and eat ...heheh...for the same dishes...xp...
thn we wan to walk in gaya too bad..its raining and we cant see wat christmas event having out then we went to suria for my first nite time movie wif frens!!!heheh...and we watched Alvin and the chipsmunks!!!!haha...its veli funny.and i like the basketball part...xpxp....
tis is so fun for my first day after STPM is over..heheh....i hope i can have more fun after tis...heheh
and i wil sell all my books to lower six to earn back some money!!!hehe...yay
!!no ned to see them ned to touch i thk i wil miss them de...thx for tis one and half u guys!!!bt u guys make me feel suffer=( u guys too!!!hehehehe....!!!
miss u guys always!!!bt nt gonna read u guys le..xp...bye bye='(
Friday, May 27, 2011
wait wait wait andd wait..
waiting for something tat i can never get it...
i knew i stil choose to wait it..
wat to do..juz stupid....arhggggg!!!!
waiting for it bt i can never do anything..
juz look at it ngong ngong like a sapo...=(
waiting for something tat i can never get it...
i knew i stil choose to wait it..
wat to do..juz stupid....arhggggg!!!!
waiting for it bt i can never do anything..
juz look at it ngong ngong like a sapo...=(
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